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Global Sports

Highbury: The Story of Arsenal in N.5

Highbury: The Story of Arsenal in N.5

Regular price $20.00
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After several years of sitting in Highbury's local pubs and cafes with a Dictaphone, Jon Spurling has pooled hours of interviews with fans, program sellers, local publicans, and even those who dug the foundations of the Laundry End and later cleared rubbish from its terraces, to meticulously construct the biography of the ground and chart the ups and downs of one of England's greatest league clubs. Spurling has also spoken to numerous players—the late greats of yesteryear such as Ted Drake, George Male, and Reg Lewis, as well as legends of a more recent vintage, from Bob Wilson and Charlie George to Edu and Patrick Vieira. In the season that Arsenal finally move to Ashburton Grove, Jon Spurling has produced the definitive account of the club's 93 years at Highbury.


Author: Jon Spurling


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